Someone asked me recently when it was that I felt I grew up.
She was concerned with her teenage son, DJ. DJ loves everything fictional from fantasy to sci-fi, in games, movies, books, etc. He especially loves Lord of the Rings, Deadpool, and going to comicons. This makes her worried because he’s reaching the age where she’s trying to have a discussion about his next step after high school. There’s been talk about joining the US Armed Forces, or attending a college or university, I think I recall something even about a firefighting career. DJ is undecided about his future and is evidently content with living in the present rather than putting effort into steering his path towards a bright, lucrative future. No doubt. And not entirely unique to him.
Understandably, DJ’s mother is very preoccupied with this and wants him to grow up. Our discussion about this was mostly her fretting over the way he spends his time sketching heroes, playing video games, and keeping up with the current vein of super hero movies.
“So, when did you feel you finally grew up?”
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